Swush 0.93


Released Swush 0.93.

Changes includes:

  • This is the first actually usable release, I have been using it in production for some time now. Swush is still in beta though.
  • Changed arrays syntax and relevant API. arrays are now in the form : name {a b c}, and can have both string elements and normal swush nodes : name {a b c:d d{1:2}}
  • Improved Swush api:
    • Added various selector API calls to the Swush class, for example:
      • long selectLongProperty(String selector) : Select a long property (Int, Boolean, Float etc are also available)
      • float selectFloatProperty(String selector, float _default)  : Select a Float property, and return default_ if it’s not found (same api available for other types)
    • Added various manipulator methods, for example:
      • Swush addPair(String name, String value) : Adds a new Pair (key value pair) to a node and return the new key-value node.
      • Swush addNode(String name) : Adds a new node and returns it.
      • Swush addArray(String name, String … array) : Adds a new array node and returns it.
  • General bug fixes.

Swush 0.92


Released 0.92. this release is actually usable. please report any bugs.
Note, the What-is-swush page was updated to reflect the current state of Swush.


  • Created a test suite that can test any implementation (see test/TestDriver.java)
  • Added file header (@swush [encoding])
  • Added preliminary support for arrays, for example : name[a b c]



Released a new version, that fixes a few bugs in the parser.

* Fixed comments to be properly ignored.
* Fixed escaped quotes \” to be passed to the client unescaped.
* added a few more possible character to WORD, such as . ./ and \

